Tuesday, April 28, 2015

So it begins.

This is my first post in a while. I have been dormant from this platform for some time due to an overly active lifestyle. But it is time to return, and with something a little different from my previous posts. These coming posts will center primarily around traveling internationally on a budget. They will be segmented here and there with material relating to the local culture, environmental interests, and geo-political atmospheres.

I would like to concentrate on providing more information in relation to traveling on a budget, because too many people make the excuse that it is too expensive to travel, and to uproot your life temporarily is too much of a financial risk. This is where we are all wrong. I have to include in this post, if it wasn't for my beautiful girlfriend Carrie to show me that a positive attitude makes any situation better; my good friend Amir to show me the start of the yellow brick road to traveling on a budget; and the author and travel blogger Matt Kepnes for providing essential information that has proven vital to my decision making process; I would still be too scared to have entered the rabbit hole that is traveling abroad on a budget.

So as I sit here in LAX awaiting my flight to my next exotic location, I have to recall one of my favorite quotes from the author J.R.R Tolkein, "not all those who wander are lost." Until next time. 

Hayden van Andel

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